HJHS will dismiss at 2:00 p.m. on Friday, Oct. 4th for the HHS Homecoming Parade. Spirit week starts tomorrow!
Our very own Huntar Lee (of North Side Primary) and Anthony Cawthon (of Herrin Junior High) have been chosen as recipients of the 2024-2025 School-Based Mental Health Training and Support Program! This grant, awarded in partnership with Dr. Matt Buckman and Dr. Martha Weld from the Stress and Trauma Treatment Center, will afford Lee and Cawthon the opportunity to earn their PEL licensure as well as mentorships through Dr. Buckman's organization. Thank you for your wonderful contribution to our program!
HJHS will have picture retakes on Sept. 9th. Also, students and staff who didn't get pictures made at registration will get pictures made.
Dental Safari is coming to HJHS on Sept. 18th. Please register online if you would like your child to see the dentist.
HJHS has two morning student drop off spots. One is on the corner of 14th & Ash and the other is 14th & Stotlar. Please follow the traffic pattern as outlined in the diagram. Look for the orange highlighted X. Students can be dropped off beginning at 7:30 a.m. Please be patient the first few days as new families adjust to the procedure.
For afternoon pickup, arrange a designated parking lot with your student (North or East Lot) or street parking spot away from the construction and bus loading zone for your student to come to you.
HJHS upcoming dates for start of school year: In-person registration at HHS 7/25, 6th grade orientation at HJHS 8/1 at 8:00 a.m., 6th-8th grade open house at HJHS 8/7 at 5:00 p.m. (School supplies can be brought to open house but NOT orientation) First attendance day and 11:30 dismissal 8/8. First full attendance day 8/9.
📝🖍️📚 Herrin Junior High School Supply List 📏✂️📒
Printer-friendly PDF Supply Lists for K - 8 are available at: https://www.herrinschools.org/documents/district/annual-documents/supply-lists-(2024---2025)/666449
Snapcodes have been emailed to families from PowerSchool Registration Support (noreplyregistration@powerschool.com). Check your spam folder if you can’t find the email. Use this snapcode to register your student for the 2024-2025 school year. Please have this completed BEFORE attending IN-PERSON registration on July 23 or July 25.
***If you did not receive an email/snapcode from PowerSchool Registration, please contact your student’s school or email techdesk@herrinschools.org.
Registration will be available on July 16 at the following link: https://www.herrinschools.org/o/cusd-4/page/registration-20212-2023
Please see the 2024 HJHS Tigers Baseball summer schedule . Do note tryouts will be July 8th & 9th at 5:00 p.m.
The HJHS Cross Country team will have an informational meeting tonight, Wed, May 29th at 6:00 p.m. in the Jr. High gym. Any interested, incoming 5th - 8th grade boys or girls should attend. If you have any questions, email Coach Sgutt (steve.sgutt@herrinschools.org).
Herrin CUSD #4 is offering FREE breakfasts from June 3rd through June 27th. Monday through Thursday ONLY. 7:45 AM - 8:15 AM. Open to ALL children and teens 18 and under! Please note - these free breakfasts must be eaten inside the school and cannot be taken to go.
You can always find the most up-to-date menu on our website at: https://herrincusd4il.sites.thrillshare.com/o/hhs/dining
A printer-friendly PDF can be found at: https://5il.co/2m9kf
Due to the substantial chance of rain tomorrow evening (May 14), we are rescheduling the 8th grade celebration to Wednesday, May 15th at 5:00 p.m. at the HHS football field.
Next week is Mental Health Awareness Week! Join in the celebration by wearing your spirit apparel.
Printer-friendly PDFs are available at:
NSPC & HES: https://5il.co/2kivl
HJHS & HHS: https://5il.co/2kivn
HJHS Drama Club presents Legally Blonde, Jr. Shows will be Thurs, May 2nd @ 7:00 p.m., Fri, May 3rd @ 7:00, and Sat, May 4th @ 2:00 and 7:00. Tickets are $10 for adults and $5 for K-12 students.
State testing begins at HJHS on Wed, April 10th and runs through Mon, April 15th. Please make every effort to have your student in attendance each day of testing with their chromebook fully charged. Students are encouraged to bring their own headphones or they will need to use a pair provided by the school. Also, it helps students perform better on the test if they get a good night's sleep and eat breakfast each morning.
See below for the Herrin CUSD #4 Q4 "At A Glance." These quarterly bulletins highlight several upcoming key dates you definitely don't want to miss!
🗓️ A printer-friendly PDF is available at https://5il.co/2heaw
Testing assessments are underway! Please review the information below to help your student achieve their best.
The HJHS WEB program will host their Eggstravaganza this Thursday (3/28) from 2-4PM. This event will be for only current 6th graders, as well as current 8th grade WEB Leaders. Admission to the event is free, but students are welcome to bring a donation to the program to help with future events. A late bus will not be available. Students who attend the honor society induction that afternoon are recommended to bring a comfortable change of clothes for the event. Snacks will be provided to all attendees. We hope to see your student there!
Herrin schools will be closed March 29th - April 1st for Easter break. School will be back in session Tuesday, April 2nd.
🍽️ The breakfast and lunch menus for April 2024 are now available! 🍽️
You can always find the most up-to-date menu on our website at: https://herrincusd4il.sites.thrillshare.com/o/hhs/dining
A printer-friendly PDF can be found at: https://5il.co/2gyty